We are very excited to announce that Frosch has chosen Retail Partner as their new partner in the Nordics.
We are very excited to announce that Frosch has chosen Retail Partner as their new partner in the Nordics. The brand Frosch acquired its expertise over the long history of the manufacturing company, Werner & Mertz GmbH. Founded in 1867 as a wax...
Håndsprit, Kleenex og Tordenskjold i en Corona-tid
For rigtigt mange har 2020 været en bundløs gryde af suppe kogt på blandede, bitre urter – men hos Retail Partner kan vi se tilbage på et år, der har givet os sved på panden. På den gode måde! * Vi har distribueret lige i omegnen af 200.000 liter håndsprit –...
Kleenex-love in the time of Corona
This time of year, we have normally just sent the ManFlu winter campaign materials to the printers. But with the Corona-virus everywhere, the time is not for (lovingly) joking around with coughing and sneezing men. In stead we have turned the campaign concept upside...
On September 25th, we attended the annual Danish Beauty Awards - Corona-style! Which meant a virtual event with local celebrations. This year we were nominated in not one but TWO categories. And yes - WE DID IT. We won both our...
Swedish Match has chosen Retail Partner as distributor in Denmark
Swedish Match Industries - one of the world's leading manufacturers of matches - have joined the Retail Partner family of brands. Since 1865, Tordenskjold Tændstikker (matches) have been an integrated part of Danish lives, and...
The Man Flu season has begun
Once again the Kleenex Man Flu campaign is sweeping over Denmark and Sweden, supporting the stores in their focus on Kleenex during cold and flu season. With our special Nordic sense of humour we celebrate the brave men and woman, who admits to having Man Flu. And...
Yet another amazing day promoting RockFace!
On 14th of September, we once again promoted RockFace as the new and trendy skin care brand for men in Denmark. This time at Amager Strandpark together with our business partners from Salling Group. Team RockFace ran the obstacle race AND sampled a lot of deodorants...
Derma Sun once again market leader in sun care category in Denmark
We did it again! Together with the amazing team from Sales Support, we have managed to bring the market leader position back to DermaPharm in the sun care category. The key to succes is the right mix of good products, timing, campaign strategy and -planning as well as...
New YouTube-channel for Maui Moisture in Denmark
Marketing is both storytelling and being present where your potential consumers are. That is why we have started our own Maui Moisture YouTube-channel, where we will share relevant knowledge about hair care - and about our award winning shampoo-brand:...
Promotion of our new men’s brand, RockFace
Toughest is an international "Obstacle Course Race", which takes place in many cities all over the world. And participants are both professional runners and people like you and me! 11th of May 2019 the Toughest-course hit Malmö in Sweden, and we participated with our...
Our successes
Retail Partner is an expert in creating results for market leading companies and brands. We work professionally at all levels of the value chain. All the way from supply of the products, to building long term sustainable business plans, to execution at HQ and instore level.
Strong brands that are either #1 or 2 in the category is what we work with.
We are willing to go the extra mile to create category growth or to launch a new brand into the market. Maybe we can help you as well?

We focus on household, personal care, beauty and health care categories.
Retail Partner ApS is a FMCG distributor with HQ located in Copenhagen, Denmark.